Dr Gerry Devlin
nib Health Partner
about Dr Gerry Devlin
Gerry is the current Medical Director of the Heart Foundation and a cardiologist at Te Whatu Ora Tairāwhiti. He is an Honorary Associate Professor at the University of Auckland. Gerry is an experienced general cardiologist with a special interest in the prevention and management of coronary artery disease, hypertension and heart failure.
Gerry is a Trinity College Dublin, Ireland graduate who moved to New Zealand in 1988. He is a busy clinical researcher with over 120 publications, and his research interests include acute coronary syndromes, heart failure and systems of care.
Areas of Specialisation
Gerry is an experienced general cardiologist with a special interest in the prevention and management of coronary artery disease, hypertension and heart failure
Southern Cross Affiliated Provider for Selected Services
MB BCh 1983 Dublin, FRACP 1995
contact Dr Gerry Devlin
or 0800 222 411 (GP Advice Line)
09 623 1030
1 Gilgit Rd, Epsom, Auckland
EDI: akhearta