Overeaters Anonymous
about Overeaters Anonymous
About Us
Overeaters Anonymous (OA) is a fellowship of individuals who, through shared experience, strength and hope, are recovering from compulsive overeating. In Overeaters Anonymous, youll find members who are extremely overweight, even morbidly obese; moderately overweight; average weight; underweight; still maintaining periodic control over their eating behaviour; or totally unable to control their compulsive eating.
OA members experience many different patterns of food behaviours. These symptoms are as varied as our membership. Our symptoms may vary, but we share a common bond: we are powerless over food and our lives are unmanageable. This common problem has led us to seek and find a common solution in the Twelve Steps, the Twelve Traditions and nine tools of Overeaters Anonymous.
OA is not affiliated with any weight-loss programme or religious group. The primary purpose of OA is to carry the message that recovery is possible. We simply want to share our experience with others who desire our help.
To help people identify if Overeaters Anonymous is right for them
15 Questions: https://oa.org/and-your-journey-begins/