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Turuki Health Care - Mangere

Auckland Region

about Turuki Health Care - Mangere

Turuki Health Care is a charitable trust based in Mangere, Auckland, providing services to the wider Counties Manukau catchment area. ‘Born’ in 1995 as Putea o Pua, a Māori midwifery service, Turuki Health Care now provides a comprehensive range of primary health and social services specifically targeting women, children and their whānau. Although the service approach has broadened, the emphasis of caring for women remains one of our most vital concerns. We are an accredited specialist provider of services to women, babies and whānau. Everything that we do is ultimately focused on achieving Whānau Oranga, Wahine Oranga. “Whakamanatia te wahine hei oranga whānau .” “Inspiring women to raise healthy families.” When the Government announced in 2002 that the first wave of Primary Health Organisations were to be established in South Auckland, Turuki Health Care played a key role in setting up the first Māori PHO, Te Kupenga o Hoturoa which was launched on 1 July 2002 as a pilot in Counties Manukau DHB area. Te Kupenga o Hoturoa operates as not-for-profit charitable trust.  Turuki Health Care has sinced joined ProCare PHO and receives excellant Clinical and Business support.
Turuki is also the lead provider in the Kotahitanga Whanau Ora Collective.

Languages Spoken


Key Staff

We have a number of Nurses on board at Turuki Health Care who are available to support you on your wellness journey. We have a high number of Maori and Pacific Nurses who can speak a number of different languages.

Accepting New Patients
Our patient books are currently open and we are accepting new patients.
  • Female Doctor Available
  • Parking Available
  • Disability Access
  • Accepting New Patients



General Practice Provides general practitioner services within a primary health team model. The clinic works in a transdisciplinary model of care and embraces health promotion, family assessment, early detection, healthcare planning and intervention, and is delivered through a whānau centered approach.  We are an access funding general practice clinic servicing a population of 15,000 enrolled patients comprising of 95% high needs with complex medical conditions.   Services include:

  • ACC consultations
  • Blood tests
  • Cervical Smear Clinics
  • Childhood Immunisations
  • Chronic Care Management (CCM Program)
  • Depression
  • Diabetes Nurse Specialist Clinics
  • Education and Nutrition advice
  • Mammogram screening
  • Medical consultations
  • Nurse Led Clinics (including Diabetes, Weight Management, COPD, Cardiac, CVD screening)
  • Primary Care Maternity Service (up to 13 weeks antenatally)
  • Retinal Screening
  • Special procedures (mole removals, circumcisions, skin tag removals, etc.)
  • Spirometry
  • Travel Vaccinations
  • Workforce development programme focused on primary health care training for student placements (including Auckland Medical School, Podiatry, Nursing, and midwifery)
  • Wound management

Turuki Health Care is a training centre of excellence via the University of Auckland.

Other Accreditations
Cornerstone Accreditation
CYPS Accreditation
BFCI Accreditation

Other Specific Services

Mothers and Baby/Pepi Pregnancy Support The service provides support to mothers and pepi from conception through to 24 months. This includes the provision of antenatal and postnatal care, health promotion and education, parenting support and advocacy for women and pepi. The home visiting service provides education for parenting skills, building self-esteem and confidence, and provides a supportive environment for positive parenting. The service works across the South Auckland area and is both community and clinic-based.  

Teen Parenting Programme A teenage parent pilot initiative to improve the health, development, education and welfare outcomes for vulnerable teenage parents and their children. The teenage parent pilot initiative aims to improve the health, education, welfare and development outcomes for teen parents and their children. Teen Parent Service Coordinators or Intensive Case Managers facilitate access to services for teen parents by providing intensive case management and co-ordinating services for young parents. The service is targeted at teens from the time they are sexually active up to 19 years old.  The aim is to empower young parents by drawing from their strengths, passions, beliefs and values. The unique feature of this   service is the relationship and trust that is built with our Teen Parents to   build levels of engagement, and the wrap around services available to support their health, and education needs.

Health Promotion Turuki Health Care continues to focus and strengthen the area of public health and improved population-based health.  The aim is to encourage and promote whānau ora where whānau are empowered and inspired to become self sufficient and independent to achieve long term whānau centered health, social and educational outcomes. Our Health Promotion Team is committed to improving the health and wellbeing of communities through education and promotion of  healthy lifestyles.  Key priority areas:

  • Promoting breastfeeding
  • Promoting healthy eating healthy action
  • Reducing smoking
  • Addressing family/whānau violence

The unique feature of this service is attributed to the style of health promotion delivery. Where each service has a tailored health promotion plan aligned to the PPP objectives for better health in the primary   care setting, as well as working in a collaborative way with other Māori health providers to achieve collaborative objectives.

Family Start This is a free intensive home visiting service, building on whānau strengths and aiming to achieve positive health, education and social outcomes. The aims of Family Start are to:

  • Improve health, education, and social outcomes for children;
  • Improve parents' parenting capability and practice;
  • Improve children and parents' personal and family circumstances.

Families can be accepted onto the programme from 6 months before the birth of a child and up to one year after. The unique feature of this service is we are the story holders of the most intimate information of whānau around health, education and social issues, where we walk alongside the family to assist with navigating access of other services to assist their needs where they are empowered to make independent life changing decisions for their whānau.

Parents as First Teachers The aim of the PAFT programme is to assist parents, to participate more  effectively in their child's early development and learning.

PAFT can help families to:

  • Understand how their child grows and develops;
  • Encourage their child's growth and development;
  • Ensure their child's safety and wellbeing;
  • Gain confidence in their parents skills;
  • Get the support and professional assistance they may need for their child's health and development.

  PAFT can help a child to:

  • Develop good language skills;
  • Increase his or her ability to problem solve;
  • Develop social skills;
  • Have any potential health and learning problems detected.

Domestic Violence This service provides a Domestic Violence Programme for Māori men referred by the Courts in South Auckland. It is a tikanga based programme, specifically developed by Turiki Health Care for tane.

Smoking Cessation Provides high quality sustainable smoking cessation services, primarily delivered through nurse led clinics.

 Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)/Asthma This is a six monthly COPD / Asthma review which assesses multiple areas, including vitamin supplements, smoking cessation, flu vaccination, bone protection, maintenance and exacerbation treatment, patient centred education, spirometry assessment and medication.

Diabetes Intensive Care This service provides assessments focussing on patient-centered education, reducing the barriers to compliance, nutrition and exercise education,  smoking cessation, and medication changes (e.g. starting insulin).

Dentist Clinic The proposed onsite Dentist is due to commence operating by 2024. The dentist will be co-located with other Turuki services to contribute to improving the oral health of those in our community by improving access.

Pharmacy We currently have a pharmacy onsite that works closely with our Clinic team. The pharmacy is currently open the same hours as the clinic. It is hoped that this will improve compliance to treatment and support closer monitoring of treatment where required. Education and information on pharmaceuticals and services provided by the pharmacy will also be available to improve pharmaceutical literacy for our patients and their whānau.

Additional Health Businesses Onsite

Onsite Services also include:
Mental Health Services
AOD Services


Fee Structure
For enrolled patients our fees are currently:
Kuia/Kaumatua free over 60 years old
18 - 59 years $12.00
All under 17 year olds are free
Materials and any other additional services will incur an additional fee

contact Turuki Health Care - Mangere

09 275 5788

0800 493 552

Unit 2, 32 Canning Cres, Mangere, Manukau

PO Box 43002, Mangere, Manukau 2153


EDI: turukihc

Opening Hours

08:00am - 08:00pm
08:00am - 08:00pm
08:00am - 08:00pm
08:00am - 08:00pm
08:00am - 08:00pm
09:00am - 01:00pm
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Always seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health professional with any questions you may have regarding your health. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website. If you think you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor or 111 immediately.

Podiatry The podiatry service is delivered in a collaborative model between Turuki Health Care and Auckland University of Technology (AUT), and involves support in primary care to address, and improve the foot health status of patients at risk to high risk diabetes foot related pathologies. The service provides comprehensive screening and assessment service to identify patients at risk of diabetes related-foot complications. Prophylactic measures are initiated when necessary and podiatric management is provided as appropriate, reducing the incidence of unplanned hospital admissions and or amputations for diabetes related complications.  
B4Baby (Specialist Breastfeeding Support) The service is designed to reduce health inequalities of mothers and babies in South Auckland and seeks to do this by raising breastfeeding rates amongst Māori and Pacific populations. The service provides a kaupapa Māori approach to educating and supporting our breastfeeding mothers and whānau when they need it. Our kaupapa model of breastfeeding support and intervention is holistic taking into account the wider determinants of health including social, educational and environmental issues. Services consist of:  
  • Antenatal education
  • Group antenatal education

Pregnancy and Parenting Education Provides education programmes which cover pregnancy, childbirth and early parenting for groups of Māori and Pacific pregnant women and their whānau. The service ensures that women and their whānau will have access to culturally safe information about their   pregnancy care, carers and entitlements.