Wellington Concussion Service - Proactive
about Wellington Concussion Service - Proactive
Wellington Concussion Service has been established to provide early access and timely assessment for people who have sustained a mild (concussion) or moderate traumatic injury or have post concussion syndrome.
For ACC to fund the referral the client needs to be between 10 days - 12 months post injury, have an accepted ACC claim and be referred by their GP, (using forms ACC883 for adults or ACC7412 child/adolescent forms from ACC website or referral directly to Proactive who will then send on to ACC), Accident and Medical Centre or ACC Case Manager.
Once a referral is received, an experienced therapist meets with the client to carry out an initial interview to gather more information about the accident and ongoing symptoms and dif culties. The client will be provided with information and advice about brain injury, and how the client can manage symptoms to ensure they are on the right path for recovery.
A treatment and rehabilitation plan is developed and forwarded to the ACC Case Manager.
This can include any of the following, depending upon the clients needs:
- Medical assessment with a Medical Specialist to assess and treat headaches, sleep disturbances, mood disturbances
- Neuropsychological screening assessment - to assess cognitive function/de cits (how well brain is functioning, such as processing information) as well as psychological effects of injury.
- Allied health assessment - Neurophysiotherapy, Speech Language Therapy, Physiotherapy or Occupational Therapy as appropriate, to further assess injury effects
- Physiotherapy assessment for musculoskeletal neck screen
- Allied Health therapy sessions - from any of the therapy team to provide advice to the client about how to manage their symptoms and recover
- Medical consultations - as a follow up to the medical assessment
- Psychological consultation - sessions with a psychologist if needed to assist the client to manage any mood or other issues relating to their injury.
Neurosurgeon: Reuben Johnson
• Proactive Wellington City • Proactive Porirua
• Proactive Lower Hutt • Proactive Upper Hutt • Proactive Kapiti
Referral Info
Once a referral is received, an experienced therapist meets with the client to carry out an initial interview to gather more information about the accident and ongoing symptoms and difficulties. The client will be provided with information and advice about brain injury, and how the client can manage symptoms to ensure they are on the right path for recovery.
contact Wellington Concussion Service - Proactive
0800 868 259
09 586 8497
Lvl 4, Wakefield Specialist Centre, 99 Rintoul St, Berhampore, Wellington
EDI: proactve