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Dr Steve Mackey

04 499 4940 Wellington
Electronic Referral on Specialists & Referrals Service
Southern Cross Health Insurance Affiliated Provider for Consultations

about Dr Steve Mackey

Areas of Specialisation
Cataract Surgery (including monofocal, astigmatism and multifocal implants); Retinal and Macular Surgery (including macular holes, ERMs, retinal detachment); Macular Degeneration

Current Positions
Steve consults from Thorndon Eye Clinic, Boulcott Specialist Centre and in Paraparaumu, and is also a consultant ophthalmologist at Wellington Hospital Eye Department.

Gender: male


Areas of Specialisation
Cataract Surgery, Macular & Retinal Surgery, Pterygium Surgery

Southern Cross Affiliated Provider for Selected Services


MBChB (Otago) 1990, FRANZCO 2001

Current Positions:
Consultant Ophthamologist Wellington Hosp & Honorary Senior Lecturer

Private Practice:
Wellington, Lower Hutt, Paraparaumu

Hospitals Practising at
Bowen, Boulcott

Specialist Training
Steve graduated from the University of Otago in 1990 and subsequently trained as a specialist ophthalmologist in Dunedin and Christchurch gaining FRANZCO in 2000. He carried out three further years of sub-speciality training in the UK.
This included cataract surgery and vitreoretinal surgery.
Steve was appointed as a vitreoretinal and cataract surgeon at Wellington Hospital in 2002.

contact Dr Steve Mackey

04 499 4940

04 499 0242

021 571 260

Thorndon Eye Clinic, Studio A, 230 Thorndon Quay, Thorndon, Wellington

PO Box 12171, Thorndon, Wellington 6144


EDI: wellieye

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