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Wouter Ten Cate

07 571 6762 Bay of Plenty
Electronic Referral on Specialists & Referrals Service
Southern Cross Health Insurance Affiliated Provider for Consultations

nib Health Partner

about Wouter Ten Cate

Dr Wouter Ten Cate is an ENT Specialist with a special interest in Otology and Paediatric ENT conditions. 
He is a Member of The New Zealand Society of Otolaryngology and a Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons.
After completing Medical School in the Netherlands, Wouter worked in the University of Florida Ear Research Laboratory in the United States. He then returned to Europe for his clinical ENT training in Essen, Germany. Subsequently, Wouter practiced in the Netherlands for five years before moving to New Zealand in 2003. In New Zealand he has worked in the Manukau Super Clinic and Otology group in Auckland before moving to Tauranga in 2008. 


Otology, including glue ear, ear canal narrowing (surfers ear), tympanic membrane perforations, chronic ear infection, ossicular reconstruction, otosclerosis.

Paediatric ENT problems, including adenoid and tonsil related problems such as recurrent infections and obstructive sleep-disordered breathing, hearing loss, ear infections, glue ear and nasal obstruction.

Hospital Practising at
Grace Hospital

Southern Cross Affiliated Provider for Selected Services


Member of the New Zealand Society of Otolaryngology Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons

Specialist Experience
Specialist since 1997.
Practised in Germany, the Netherlands & New Zealand

Current Positions
Consultant ORL Surgeon, Grace Hospital

contact Wouter Ten Cate

07 571 6762

14 Willow St, Tauranga


EDI: wtencate

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