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Hernia Repair

Hernia repair refers to a surgical operation for the correction of a hernia—a bulging of internal organs or tissues through the wall that contains it.


occur in different places: femoral hernia (upper thigh);

hiatial hernia

(upper part of stomach); incisional hernia (can occur through a scar if you have had abdominal surgery); inguinal hernia (groin); umbilical hernia (around the navel). Surgery under general anaesthetic is used to permanently fix a hernia. The weakened abdominal wall tissue (fascia) is secured and any holes are closed. An umbilical hernia that fails to heal on its own by the time a child is five years old may be repaired. Emergency surgery for hernias is sometimes needed. In addition to open surgery, some hernias can be repaired using a laparoscope (flexible lighted tube tipped with a camera), which is less invasive.
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Mark Smith

Dr Smith is a Consultant General Surgeon at Southland Hospital with specialist training and experience in laparoscopic weight loss surgery and other . . .

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