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Dr Mairi Wallace


09 435 4627 Northland
Electronic Referral on Specialists & Referrals Service
Southern Cross Health Insurance Affiliated Provider for Consultations

nib Health Partner

about Dr Mairi Wallace

Mairi Wallace's special interests are; Urogynaecology (prolapse and incontinence), birth injuries, sexual assault injuries and the menopause. She is particularly interested in the quality of life issues. These include not only menopausal symptoms and incontinence but also sexual dysfunction and irregular or heavy periods. Mairi does not treat abnormal smears or do any infertility investigations or treatment.

Graduated as a doctor from Stellenbosch University in South Africa in 1989. Graduated as a specialist Gynaecologist and Obstetrician in 1999 with qualifications from Glasgow and South Africa.

In 2003 settled in New Zealand. Continued work in Urogynaecology.

Travels to the Cook Islands annually to perform incontinence and prolapse surgery. Also is actively involved in running surgical workshops for midwives throughout the Pacific.

Moved to Northland October 2015.


Areas of Specialisation
General Gynaecology, Urogynaecology, Menopause, Female Sexual Dysfunction, Urodynamics

Southern Cross Affiliated Provider for
Consultations and most out patient procedures.



Referral Info

A GP referral is often preferable, particularly for patients with a complicated medical history, but not necessary.

contact Dr Mairi Wallace

09 435 4627

Western Hills Clinic, 74 Western Hills Dr, Kensington, Whangarei

EDI: west74hc

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