Rupert Van Rooyen
Orthopaedic Surgeon
nib Health Partner
about Rupert Van Rooyen
Orthopaedic Surgeon
My consulting rooms are at 119 Apollo drive in Albany.
Surgery is performed at Southern Cross Hospitals - North Harbour and North Shore Surgical Centre
Areas of Specialisation:
- General orthopaedics
- Hip and Knee replacement
- Robotic and computer navigated knee replacement
- Knee arthroscopy
MBChB, FRACS (Ortho)
Hospitals Practising at
Southern Cross Hospital North Harbour, Glenfield
Southern Cross North Shore Surgical Centre
NZ Medical Council Number: 31939
Referral Info
Referrals preferred via
Healthlink EDI: rupertvr
contact Rupert Van Rooyen
021 0200 6528
Suite 113, 119 Apollo Drive, Albany, Auckland
Dr R van Rooyen c/o Auckland Orthopaedic Surgeons Ltd, 119 Apollo Drive, Albany, North Shore City 0632
EDI: rupertvr