Bone Density
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Auckland Region
nib Health Partner
Auckland Bone Density uses DXA, a high technology measurement technique that is the leading research and clinical method worldwide . . .
Auckland Region
nib Health Partner
Breast Imaging, Computed Tomography, Dexa Bone Densitometry, Fertility Imaging, Interventional Radiology . . . .
Wellington Region
Ultrasound, General, Maternity, Vascular, Musculoskeletal, Ultrasound Guided Intervention, Cortisone Injection . . . .
Wellington, Waikato, Canterbury
nib Health Partner
Radiology - Diagnostic, X-ray, Ultrasound, MRI, CT, PET/CT, Breast Imaging, Dental Imaging, Bone Density, Interventional Services . . . .
Bay of Plenty
Radiology - Diagnostic, X-ray, Ultrasound, MRI, CT, PET - CT, Fluoroscopy, Mammography, Image Guided Injections, Bone Density . . .
Auckland Region