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consultant psychiatrist, acute mental health disorders, depression, anxiety . . . .
general adult psychiatric disorders such as anxiety, depression, OCD & psychosis . . . .
Auckland Region, Bay of Plenty Region
Psychiatry. Services offered include Anxiety Disorders Mood Disorders (Depression, Bipolar Disorder) Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. . . .
Auckland Region
Urgent Appointments Available
Medical and psychological treatment of mental disorders including anxiety, depression, bipolar affective & transcranial magnetic stimulation...
Auckland Region
Southern Cross Health Insurance Affiliated Provider for Consultations
Depression, anxiety & other general mental health problems. Age-related issues; memory, cognition & dementia. . . .
Auckland Region
General Adult Psychiatry, Psychopharmacology, Anxiety & Depressive Disorders, ADHD, Neuro-Psychiatry...
Auckland Region
child, adolescent & general psychiatry, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Autistic Spectrum Disorder . . . .
Auckland Region
We specialise in the treatment of Addiction Problems. Including Alcohol, other Drugs, Gambling & Behavioural Addictions. . . .
Auckland Region
nib Health Partner
The Hinengaro Clinic specialises in the assessment and management of memory problems, dementia, complex medical and psychiatric problems in older adults . . . .
Auckland Region
Consultant Psychiatrist in Private Practice . . . .
Tairāwhiti - Gisborne
Auckland Region
Southern Cross Health Insurance Affiliated Provider for Consultations
nib Health Partner
Southland Region
Auckland Region