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Mr Neal Singleton

07 543 1854 Bay of Plenty, Waikato region
Urgent Appointments Available
Electronic Referral on Specialists & Referrals Service
Southern Cross Health Insurance Affiliated Provider for Consultations

nib Health Partner

about Mr Neal Singleton

I am a New Zealand trained orthopaedic surgeon. l graduated from The university of Auckland medical school with a BHB in 2006 and an MBChB in 2009. l completed post-graduate studies in surgical anatomy at Otago University (PGDipSurgAnat, 2010). I completed my junior doctor years and the majority of my orthopaedic surgical training in the Bay of Plenty.

I currently divide my time between Grace Private Hospital, Tauranga and Whakatane Public Hospitals and am involved in teaching and training junior doctors as well as academic research. I am a member of the New Zealand Orthopaedic Association and the New Zealand Spine Society.

I perform hip and knee arthroplasty surgery.

I also have a keen interest in the management of all spinal conditions with a particular focus on minimally invasive spinal surgery using the latest techniques including endoscopic discectomy, anterior lumbar fusion and transpsoas direct lateral fusion with the use of neurophysiology monitoring enhancing patient recovery, minimising soft tissue dissection and blood loss and improving surgical outcomes. Wherever possible I perform all surgeries using 3-Dimensional navigation to ensure accurate metalware placement.


Areas of Specialisation

  • Spine Surgery
  • Hip Joint Replacement Surgery (including Direct Anterior Approach)
  • Knee Joint Replacement Surgery

Description of Specialisation
Hip Surgery:

  • Total hip joint replacement
  • Direct Anterior Approach hip joint replacements

Knee Surgery:

  • Total knee joint replacement

Spine Surgery:

  • Anterior cervical discectomy & fusion
  • Posterior cervical fusion
  • Posterior cervical laminoplasty
  • Posterior cervical foraminotomy
  • Anterior lumbar fusion
  • Direct lateraI lumbar fusion
  • Posterior lumbar fusion
  • Posterior lumbar decompression
  • Lumbar discectomy

Southern Cross Affiliated Provider for Selected Services


BHB, MBChB, PGDipSurgAnat, FRACS (Othopaedic Surgery) FNZOA

Specialist Training
After gaining my fellowship in orthopaedic surgery from the Royal Australasian college of Surgeons in 2018 I undertook further subspecialty training in spinal surgery in Brisbane, Australia, where I worked as a consultant spine surgeon at Princess Alexandra Hospital, Queenslands largest spinal referral centre, managing acute spinal trauma, spinal tumours, as well as adult degenerative spinal conditions. I returned to the Bay of Plenty in 2020 & currently work at Tauranga & Whakatane Public Hospitals & Grace Private Hospital where I see & manage all spinal conditions with a particular focus on minimally invasive procedures. I also perform knee arthroplasty & hip arthroplasty (including Direct Anterior Approach hip joint replacements).

contact Mr Neal Singleton

Urgent Appointments Available on request ph: 07 543 1854

07 543 1854

07 543 1867

Suite 1, 335 Cheyne Rd, Tauranga

Private Bag 12506, Tauranga 3143


EDI: orthcntr

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