Andrew Cho
about Andrew Cho
Dr Andrew Cho offers comprehensive, expert assessment in the management and treatment of general ENT and Head & Neck conditions. He also offers assessment and treatment to skin lesions and offers a see and treat clinic.
He is an Otago graduate and currently a consultant at Middlemore Hospital for general Ent and Head & Neck surgery.
- Nasal & Sinus Surgery
Endoscopic sinus surgery, turbinectomy, Septoplsaty, rhinoplasty
- Head & Neck Surgery
Parotid, thyroid and other head and neck lesion removals, minor skin lesion removal, head and neck cancer care
- Robotic Surgery
Transoral robotic - assisted surgery (TORS)
- Paediatric ENT procedures
Glue ear, ear infections, grommets, tonsillectomy, turbinectomy, adenoidectomy
- Paediatric Head & Neck procedures
- Snoring & Sleep apnoea treatments
- Voice/Swollowing disorders
Southern Cross Affiliated Provider for
Adenoidectomy, Aural toilet, Broncho-oesophagoscopy, Bronchoscopy dilatation, Consultations, Endoscopic stroboscopy, Epley manoeuvre, Flexible bronchoscopy, Flexible swallowing evaluation, Gold laser treatment, Grommets, Intra-tympanic injections, KTP laser treatment, Laryngoplasty injections, Minor ear surgery, Nasal cauterisation, Nasal debridement, Nasendoscopy, Nasopharyngoscopy, pH and manometry study, Tonsillectomy, Trans nasal endoscopy (oesophagoscopy), Transoral robotic surgery
MBChB (Otago), FRACS (Otol)
Hospitals practicing at:
- Middlemore Hospital
- Gillies Hospital
- Brightside Hospital
- North Harbour Hospital
Referral Info
Please bring all relevant test results, audiograms, scans with you where appropriate.
Please bring along your insurance prior approval letter if applicable.
contact Andrew Cho
0508 476 268
09 320 0473
027 322 9166
Suite 4, 160 Gillies Ave, Epsom, Auckland
Suite 5, 160 Gillies Ave, Epsom, Auckland 1023
EDI: entrobot