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Bay of Plenty Region
General Urology, Prostate Cancer, BPH Surgery, Urological Cancer Surgery . . . .
Bay of Plenty
Southern Cross Health Insurance Affiliated Provider for Consultations
nib Health Partner
World Class Urology Care. Internationally renowned Urologists, Peter Gilling, Mark Fraundorfer have introduced many new surgical techniques and devices . . .
Bay of Plenty
Southern Cross Health Insurance Affiliated Provider for Consultations
nib Health Partner
Areas of Specialisation: Adult Urology, Laparoscopic and Robotic Surgery, Cryosurgery . . .
Bay of Plenty, Wellington Region
Southern Cross Health Insurance Affiliated Provider for Consultations
nib Health Partner
general Urological conditions like: Kidney stones-ureteroscopy & laser lithotripsy, Bladder cancer-endoscopic management, Testicular problems, Penile problems, Continence . . . .
Bay of Plenty
Consultant Urologist with special interest in prostate & bladder cancer, urological oncology . . . .
Bay of Plenty
Urology, Robotic surgery, Prostate cancer, Bladder cancer, Kidney cancer, Stone surgery, Scrotal . . . .
Bay of Plenty
Southern Cross Health Insurance Affiliated Provider for Consultations
nib Health Partner
Adult & Paediatric Urology, Prostate Brachytherapy & Cryotherapy, Endourology, Holmium Laser Prostatectomy . . .
Bay of Plenty
Southern Cross Health Insurance Affiliated Provider for Consultations
nib Health Partner
Bay of Plenty
Southern Cross Health Insurance Affiliated Provider for Consultations
Bay of Plenty
Southern Cross Health Insurance Affiliated Provider for Consultations
nib Health Partner