Robotic Surgery
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Wellington Region
Southern Cross Health Insurance Affiliated Provider for Consultations
nib Health Partner
Prostate, Kidney, Bladder, Stones, Peno-Scrotal . . . .
robotic assisted total hip & knee arthroplasty & unicompartmental arthroplasty using Mako technology . . . .
Bay of Plenty, Wellington Region
Southern Cross Health Insurance Affiliated Provider for Consultations
nib Health Partner
general Urological conditions like: Kidney stones-ureteroscopy & laser lithotripsy, Bladder cancer-endoscopic management, Testicular problems, Penile problems, Continence . . . .
National Services, Manawatu Region
Urgent Appointments Available
Southern Cross Health Insurance Affiliated Provider for Consultations
Consultant Otolaryngologist, Sialendoscopist, Head & Neck, Thyroid & Parathyroid, Advanced Facial Plastic, Cosmetic, Microvascular & Robotic Surgeon . . . .
Auckland and Christchurch hospitals offer advanced facilities for groups of experienced surgeons trained and accredited to use our robotically-assisted . . . .